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笹谷宜志・澤 裕治・小澤修二:Extractives of the Genus Carpinus Ⅱ Diarylheptanoids of Sawashiba, Carpinus cordata Blume Wood(2). Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 35(1), 36-41, 1989
斉藤 隆:Communal Nesting and Spatial Structure in an Early Spring Population of the Grey Red-backed Vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae. Journal of the
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佐野嘉拓・遠藤 稔・坂下泰弘:Solvolysis Pulping of Softwoods with Aqueous Cresols Containing a Small Amount of Acetic Acid. 木材誌, 35(9), 807-812, 1989
佐野嘉拓:Reactivity of β-0-4 Linkages in Lignin during Sovolysis Pulping #NAME? of β-0-4 lignin model compounds-. 木材誌, 35(9), 813-819, 1989
戸田正憲:Three New and One Newly Recorded Species of Drosophilidae (Diptera) from Japan. Japanese Journal of Entomology, 57(2), 375-382, 1989
Seiichi Ando, Kyoichi Osada, Mutuo Hatano and Mineo Saneyoshi:Comparison of carotenioids in muscle and ovary from four genera of salmonid fishes. Comp Biochem
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Norihiro Okada, Mituko Aono, Kenichi Matsumoto, Yukiharu Kido, Ryo Konishi and Mineo Saneyoshi : Shaping and reshaping of the genomes of salmonid species during
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OAKS 北海道大学学位論文 1990
山ノ下理:Changes of purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase Activity during Parr-Smolt Transformation in Steelhead Trout (Salmo gairdneri) 北海道大学理学部修士論文 1990
テリヨノ スダルマジ・新谷 融・東 三郎:A Hydrological Study on Streamflow Characteristics of Small Forested Basins in Different Geological Conditions 北大演研報, 47(2), 321-351,
Seiichi Ando, Kyoichi Osada, Mutuo Hatano and Mineo Saneyoshi:Metabolism of astaxsanthin in muscle and ovary from brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis Comp
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Shunji Izuta and Mineo Saneyoshi: Purification of DNA polymeraseα-primase from cherry salmon, Oncorhynchus masou, testes using specific affinity column
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Yukiharu Kido, Mitsuko Ando, Kenichi Matsumoto, Toshifumi Yamaki, Shigenori Murata, Mineo Saneyoshi and Norihiro Okada : Shaping
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Seiichi Ando, Kyoichi Osada and Mineo Saneyoshi : Charasteristics of carotenoid features in anadromous and river resident types
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並川寛司・小林 修:Epidermal Microstructures of the Leaf, Laef Sheath and Culm Sheath in the Japanese Slender Bamboos of Two Genera Sasa and Sasamorpha (Basbusaceae)
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並川寛司・今北しのぶ:Chromosome Numbers on Japanese Slender Bamboos of Two Genera Sasa and Sasamorpha (Bambusaceae) 植物研究雑誌, 67(1), 31-34, 1992
戸田正憲:Three-dimensional dispersion of drosophilid flies in a cool temperate forest of northern Japan Ecological Research 1992 7, 283-295
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谷 宏・堀口郁夫:ESTIMATION OF SURFACE ALBEDO FROM NOAA-AVHRR DATE 北大農学部紀要, 65-(4), 331-341, 1992 11
田中夕美子:Turbulent Air Flow Measurements in the Surface Layer within a Deciduous Forest International Symposium on DCVF Proceedings, 1993 3 Journal of Agricultural
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車 桂栄・成 載模・五十嵐恒夫:Biological species and morphological characteristics of Armillaria mellea complex in Hokkaido: A sinapina and two new species, A jezoensis and A
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車 桂栄・五十嵐恒夫:Intersterility groups and cultural characteristics of Armillaria mellea complex in Hokkaido Proceedings of the 8th International conference on root
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田中夕美子:Evaporation and Bulk Transfer Coefficient on a Forest Floor during the Time of Defoliation 平成4年-6年度文部省特定研究経費研究成果報告「寒冷積雪地域の水循環が大気・水質環境に及ぼす影響に関する研究」,1995 3,
大舘智志:Burrowing Habits and Earthworm Preferences of Three Species of Sorex in Hokkaido Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan, 20(1), 85-88 1995 6
車 桂栄・五十嵐恒夫:A note on Armillaria mellea subsp nipponica subsp nov in Japan Mycoscience, 36(2), 143-146, 1995 7
車 桂栄・成 載模・五十嵐恒夫:Armillaria mellea (Vah1: Fr ) Kummer s s from Hokkaido 日林誌, 77(5), 395-398 1995 9
安部 久・船田 良・大谷 諄・深澤和三:Changes in the Arrangement of Microtubules and Microfibrils in Differentiating Conifer Tracheids during the Expansion of Cells Annals of
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柴田英昭・佐藤冬樹・田中夕美子・佐久間敏雄:The role of organic horizons and canopy to modify the chemistry of acidic deposition in some forest ecosystems Water, Air, and Soil
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柴田英昭・佐久間敏雄:Canopy modification of Precipitation Chemistry in Deciduous and Coniferous Forests Affected by Acidic Deposition Soil
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和田直也:Biotic interactions controlling regenerative success and spatial patterns of plants in cool-temperate mixed forests
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桑原禎知:The geographic distribution and reproductive biology of Lefua costata nikkonis 北海道大学大学院水産学部修士論文,1996 3
谷口義則・卜部浩一・中野 繁:Natural reproduction of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch population introduced in a pond-associated stream in
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町村 尚・中井太郎・岡田啓嗣・田中夕美子・浦野慎一・堀口郁夫:Comparison of Evalpotranslpiration among, Different Vegetative Canopies Using 'Decoupling' Theory
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田中夕美子・町村 尚・岡田啓嗣・中井太郎:Seasonal Variations in Turbulence Spectra Above and Within a Deciduous Forest Food Production and
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柴田英昭・切替真智子・佐久間敏雄・波多野隆介:Nitrogen, Sulfur and Base Cations Cycling in Forest Ecosystems on Volcanogenous Regosols in Hokkaiddo,
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河合正人・近藤誠司・大久保正彦・朝日田康司:Dry matter intake and digestibility of grazing native horses on woodland and improved pasture in
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石城謙吉:都市林-成立の背景と課題 森林文化研究, 17, 31-41, 1996 12
小林 修・船田 良・深澤和三・大谷 諄:Abrupt growth changes in Norway spruce and Yezo sprucu near an industrial district in Hokkaido, Japan Trees, 11(3), 183-189, 1997 1
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卜部浩一:Contribution of coarse woody debris to microhabitat formation for rainbow trout in low-gradient streams in northern Japan 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科修士論文 1997
安部 久・船田 良・大谷 諄・深澤和三:Changes in the arrangement of cellulose microfibrils associated with the cessation of cell expansion in tracheids Trees, 11(6), 328-332,
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田中夕美子:Evaporation and bulk Transfer Coefficients on a Forest Floor during times Leaf-shedding Journal of Agricultural Meteology, 53(2), 119-129, 1997 6
柴田英昭・切替真智子・田中夕美子・佐久間敏雄・波多野隆介:Proton Budgets of Forest Ecosystems on Volcanogenous Regosols in Hokkaido, northern Japan Plant nutrition, 547-548, 1997 8
小林 修・船田 良・深澤和三・大谷 諄:A dendrochronological evaluation of the effects of air pollution on the radial growth of Norway spruce 木材学会誌, 3(10), 824-831, 1997 10
柴田英昭・切替真智子・田中夕美子・佐久間敏雄・波多野隆介:Proton budgets of forest soils during the snowmelt process in Hokkaido, northern Japan Proceedings of International Congress of
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寺島和寿・車 桂榮・五十嵐恒夫・三浦 清:Phylogenetic analysis of Japanese Armillaria based on the intergenic spacer (IGS) sequences of their ribosomal DNA European Journal of
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西川 潮・中野 繁:Influences of microhabitat use and foraging mode similarities on intra- and interspecific arrressive in a size-stractured stream fish assemblage
Ichthyological Research, 45(1), 19-28, 1998 2
岡川 保:植物群落の蒸散調節機能に関する研究 北海道大学農学部卒業論文 1998 2
斎藤寿彦:Birth-timing-specific alternating life histories of female threespine sticklebacks in a cold-water stream 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科修士論文 1998 2
中野 繁・北野 聡・中井勝樹・Fausch, K D : Competitive interactions for foraging microhabitat among exotic brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), native bul trout (S
confluentus) and westslope cutthroat (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi) in a Montana stream Environmental Biorogy of Fishe, 1998 3
西川 潮・中野 繁:Temporal variation in foraging group structure of a size-structured stream fish assemblage Environmental Biology of Fishes, 1998 3
青井俊樹:Preparation of a field station in the cool-temperate ecosystem Annual report 1997 under creative basic research program - An integrated study on
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石田 清・日浦 勉:Pollen fertility and flowering phenology in an androdioecious tree, Fraxinus lanuginosa (Oleaceae), in Hokkaido, Japan International Journal of Plant
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柴田英昭・切替真智子・田中夕美子・佐久間敏雄・波多野隆介:Proton budgets of forest ecosystems on volcanogenous regosols in Hokkaido, northern Japan Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 105(1・2),
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村上正志:Foraging habitat shift in narcissus flycatcher, Ficedula narcissina, due to the response of herbivorous insects to strengthening defense of canopy trees
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小林 修・船田 良・安江 恒・大谷 諄:Evaluation of the effects of climatic and nonclimatic factors on the radial growth of Yezo spruce (Picea jezoensis Carr) by
dendrochronological methods Annales des Sciences Forestieres,
高橋耕一・吉田憲吾・鈴木 牧・清野達之・谷 友和・田代直明・石井 正・菅田定雄・藤戸永志・浪花彰彦・工藤 岳・日浦 勉・甲山隆司:Stand Biomass, Net Production and Canopy Structure in a Secondary Deciduous Broad-leaved
Forest, Northern Japan 北大演研報, 56(1), 70-85, 1999 2